Return Policy
If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with your recent order, we will gladly accept returns of items that are in new condition, with original tags attached. Return items must not be washed, worn or altered. All returns will be credited to the original form of payment. Your account will be credited for the original amount that was paid for the merchandise, upon processing of the returned item(s). The credit should appear on your next statement. You will receive an e-mail notification upon the completion of return processing.
Full-Price Merchandise:
The full amount will be credited to the original tender (credit card) if returned within 30 days of the ship date on your invoice and accompanied by the original invoice.
Items must be in new condition and unworn to be accepted as a return.
Making a Return by Mail Follow 2 steps:
Step 1: Send your Tracking number to on subject line provide your order number
Step 2 : Please use the original shipping box and packing materials, if possible. The package should be taken to your postal carrier and mailed to the following address:
DKSUITCITY.COM DOES NOT REFUND SHIPPING COSTS. Any order returned that received free shipping will have their merchandise returned minus our original shipping costs.
4570 Memorial Dr,
Decatur, GA 30032
This address can only be used to return items purchased at If you would like to return items purchased elsewhere, please return the items to the original place of purchase.
When paying for the return postage yourself, we recommend that you insure the package via your carrier of choice and purchase tracking services for your protection. Save the shipping receipt for your records. Only merchandise received by our warehouse will be credited.